The three books by UPM author Tim Isbell that feature the battlefields of Gettysburg, Vicksburg and Corinth have taken him on a lot of journeys. Last December, that journey became connected with men and women serving our country right now.

Pictures from Isbell’s book Gettysburg: Sentinels of Stone were used in the Brian LaViolette Scholarship of Honor, which pays tribute to military heroes of the past while also recognizing high school seniors who enter military or community service. The inspiration for this recognition was based on the Congressional Medal of Honor which was established by Congress in 1862.

The scholarship of honor began in 1992 with one being given. Today, over 40 scholarships are presented. Isbell’s pictures will be part of a 30 minute documentary about the Scholarship of Honor. Twenty-four copies of Isbell’s book Gettysburg: Sentinels of Stone were presented to the feature speaker at the event as well as donors to the scholarship fund.

One of scholarships given is in honor of United States Marine Corps Eric McColley killed off the coast of Africa in a helicopter crash in 2006. McColley was from Gettysburg, Penn. Thanks to the effort of the Gettysburg community, a $40,000 endowment scholarship is in McColley’s honor at Gettysburg High School.

Anyone interested in donating or finding out more information about the Brian La Violette Scholarship of Honor can find the website at
