Leila Salisbury will be replacing Seetha Srinivasan as director, who will be ending a 29-year career at UPM next month. Salisbury’s tenure will begin on July 14.
Leila Salisbury comes to UPM from the University Press of Kentucky where she has been the marketing manager since 2001. Her duties included overseeing all facets of publicity, marketing, promotion, and sales of books. For the last four years, she also acquired the University Press of Kentucky’s book list in film studies and popular culture.
During her time at the University Press of Kentucky, she was involved with the academic publisher’s professional association the American Association of University Presses. She chaired and participated on a number of panels and workshops at both national and regional meetings and served as the chair of the AAUP marketing committee in the 2004-2005 year.
A native of Virginia, Leila W. Salisbury spent her childhood in Bourbon County and Lexington, Kentucky. She received a B.A. with Honors in English from Davidson College (NC) in 1993 and began an M.A. in English at the University of Georgia. Leila Salisbsury is married to William Flowers. They have a young daughter, Katarina.